UNESCO AND CÍRCULO FORTUNY present the #Comprometidos con el Patrimonio y la Creatividad campaign at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum.
UNESCO and Círculo Fortuny, the only association internationally recognised as representative of Spanish luxury firms, present a joint campaign designed to promote creativity and protect cultural heritage.
With the message #Comprometidos con el patrimonio y la creatividad (#Committed to heritage and creativity) and the hashtags #patrimonioycreatividad and #heritageandcreativity, UNESCO and Círculo Fortuny, with support from JCDecaux, take an active role in the protection of heritage and the promotion of creativity, while sharing their pursuit on social media.
Billboards with this message and a creative campaign designed by acclaimed French illustrator Serge Bloch, will be on display on the streets of Madrid, Valencia and Barcelona and in the major metro stations of Madrid for two months. The creative campaign is the work of acclaimed French illustrator Serge Bloch.
The Comité Colbert commissioned him to develop an image that represented the protection of creation and cultural heritage, and which also indirectly addressed the issue of forgery. The resulting depiction uses the following symbols:
- The frame represents cultural heritage and creativity.
- The absent canvas symbolises the void that would result from the disappearance or destruction of cultural heritage and the absence of creativity.
- The figure emerging from the frame represents the appeal made to each of the recipients of the campaign.
Thanks to this project, Spain’s high-end sector reaffirms its commitment to the preservation of cultural assets and the defence of intellectual property, while simultaneously strengthening its relations with the Comité Colbert and global organisations like UNESCO. Designed to have an international scope, the campaign was launched in 2015 by UNESCO-Comité Colbert, with Círculo Fortuny taking over this year in an effort to help the initiative gradually spread to the 195 UNESCO Member Nations in the coming years.
Mr. Evelio Acevedo, Managing Director of the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, chaired the event, emphasising:
“The commitment to heritage is the mission of the Thyssen Museum; we transpose creativity with innovation when carrying out that mission.”
The cultural institution, an honorary member of Círculo Fortuny since late 2015, aims to preserve and disseminate these collections and involve all audiences in its cultural endeavour.
In this regard, he explained:
“Our collection is the heritage of all Spaniards; their knowledge is the best channel through which to circulate the identity and values of Western civilization.”
He concluded by saying: “The sustainability of the museum is the guarantee of our mission’s fulfilment. We need “members,” companies, and individuals to join us in that commitment.”
The Executive Chairman of Círculo Fortuny, Mr. Carlos Falcó, was entrusted to outline the campaign:
“Today, in the splendid setting of the Thyssen Bornemisza Museum, UNESCO and Círculo Fortuny present a joint communications campaign championing two essential concepts in civilization: cultural heritage and creativity. It is an honour for us to collaborate with UNESCO, in such a positive message that conveys an ethical and global commitment to humanity.”
Círculo Fortuny is part of the European Cultural and Creative Industries Alliance, to which the other four leading associations in Europe’s high-end sector also belong: the Comité Colbert in France, Fondazione Altagamma in Italy, Walpole British Luxury in the United Kingdom, and Meisterkreis in Germany.
On this topic, Mr. Carlos Falcó remarked:
“One of the key performance vectors of Círculo Fortuny and in the European context of ECCIA is the defence of intellectual property and the fight against falsification.”
Ms. Elisabeth Ponsolle des Portes, President and CEO of the Comité Colbert, presented the French campaign, conducted in the summer of 2015: ”The Comité Colbert and Circulo Fortuny are proud to contribute jointly to the commitment of European citizens in favour of cultural heritage and creativity.”
Mr. Federico Palomera Güez, General Secretary of the Spanish National Commission for Cooperation with UNESCO, concluded:
“It is essential to build a culture of peace in the minds of men and women, as stated in UNESCO’s original mission statement. In this sense, Unesco is an innovative international organisation that seeks to mobilise the efforts of a society that advocates science, communication, and culture, as the basis for the harmonious and sustainable development of humanity, while preserving and innovating, encouraging creativity and protecting the legacy passed down.”
For more information, http://www.engages-patrimoine-et-creativite.org/en/
About UNESCO Established in 1945, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation works to safeguard heritage as a source of identity and cohesion and to foster creativity, which helps to build open, pluralistic, and inclusive societies. Cultural diversity is at the heart of vibrant, innovative, and prosperous knowledge societies.
UNESCO is convinced that sustainable development is impossible without incorporating the cultural dimension. (For more information: http://en.unesco.org/themes/protecting-our-heritage-and-fostering-creativity#sthash.94yxwD2k.dpuf)
About Comité Colbert Established in 1954, the Comité Colbert has a membership comprising 81 French luxury brands and 14 cultural institutions.
Together, they work to promote French art de vivre abroad.
The Comité Colbert has consultative status with UNESCO with respect to the 2003 Convention on safeguarding intangible cultural heritage.